The documents, links and downloads available on this page are not intended to replace the opinion of your medical, therapeutic or other health professionals work with you. The content is meant to be educational and is not intended as medical or therapeutic replacements.

LGBTQ Resources & Links
Planning on coming out to friends or family and feeling stuck on how or what you want to cover?
You're welcome to download this document/worksheet and use it to aid in the conversation. It covers the basics, plus boundaries and personal needs.

Directory Links​
Elegant Title
Neurodivergent Affirming: https://neurodivergentcounselling.ca/resources/find-nd-counsellor/
Affordable: https://affordabletherapynetwork.com/
Affordable local: https://www.reachoutinthekootenays.com/
Subsidized 30 minute session: https://letsconnectcanada.ca/
Poly friendly/knowledgeable: https://www.polyfriendly.org/
K*nk friendly/knowledgeable:
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