Sawah Danniels
Dec 5, 20243 min read
Reflections on Therapy Frequency and Considerations
As both a therapist and a therapy client, once every year or so I consider what frequency seemed most successful for my clients and as a...
Sawah Danniels
Dec 1, 20243 min read
15 Holiday Survival Tips for Navigating Interpersonal Challenges
Self care holiday tips!
Sawah Danniels
Mar 3, 20231 min read
Follow Your Passions Friday
Often work, life, being human and all the needs, task etc that it entails is tiring and difficult. This exhaustion impacts so many areas...
Sawah Danniels
Feb 2, 20232 min read
Termination Thursday
Let's talk termination in therapy. This isn't something that we often talk about as clients or clinicians and should be a part of healthy...
Sawah Danniels
Jan 19, 20232 min read
To be a resolution-er or Not to be? The Annual Question
Why place emphasis on goals at this time? Like everything else this is primarily a societal norm/construct. We use the Gregorian calendar...
Sawah Danniels
Sep 22, 20222 min read
Relationships Take Work
We've all heard this saying time and time again. Some view it as a rule to live by, some view it as a guideline and others view it as a...
Sawah Danniels
Mar 14, 20222 min read
Motivation Monday
When asked what does motivation look like to you? How does it feel internally? What is your definition of it? Common answers are "Someone...
Sawah Danniels
Mar 9, 20222 min read
What's on your side table?
As someone who geeks out over psychology, self-help, all things personal growth related and sexuality oriented I almost always have a...
Sawah Danniels
Mar 8, 20222 min read
Technology Tuesday
Ahhhhh technology you are simultaneously both loved and hated.Technology keeps us connected to colleagues, friends, family, and events...
Sawah Danniels
Mar 7, 20222 min read
Managing Monday
How are you feeling? No, I mean how are you REALLY feeling? Burnout, overwhelm, and exhaustion have become so pervasive in our day to...
Sawah Danniels
Sep 8, 20212 min read
Wellness Wednesday
Firstly, I wanted to step back into the blogosphere with the topic of wellness and normalising the importance of putting on your own...
Sawah Danniels
May 24, 20212 min read
Men's Mental Health Monday
Today I want to begin to discuss men's mental health and how we've failed them. This won't be a comprehensive blog post on the ways...
Sawah Danniels
Apr 27, 20212 min read
Talk Therapy Tuesday
Taking the time to pop in here and talk a bit about what talk therapy is and isn't. We all grow up with an idea of what psychotherapy or...
Sawah Danniels
Mar 15, 20211 min read
Welcome to My Practice
Hello, Thanks for stopping by my website. I am thrilled to be opening my practice officially the third week of April. I wanted to take...